Thursday, 27 August 2009

Here Comes The Sun

I visited my school yesterday, so cool, I'm seriously looking forward to school now (except from the speech...). My schedule is heaven, I have both chemistry and math, but also art, calligraphy, tea-cermony, Japanese, English comunication, French and an international co-operation thingie. It's gonna be so funny :D. I'm also joining the school's handball team, I have no idea 'bout how it's gonna be like, but I know it's training each day, and that I won't be able to play in games.

The school is Tsubasa Sogo, and is close to Kawasaki. It has 600 pupils, but is still one of the biggest schools in Tokyo (it has three buldings, a huge footballfield and something else xD). It's a new school, so it's really beautiful and new thinking, which I think is great. They're not very strickt either, I think I can use make-up *thumbes up*

And I've also got a school uniform now, it's so cute, I love it ^^. I'll post pictures when I can, but that picture-from-camera-to-computer thingie is kinda... impossible, at least when I'm at the school computer.

Thursday, 20 August 2009

Yellow Submarine

Ok, just a quick update 'bout what's happened tha last (almost) two weeks :)
  • Welcom familiy in big house, me and Katharina actually have our own house, with our own TV :D
  • Two earthquakes = fun
  • Got a phone! Please ask for my nr. on facebook, won't post it here ;D
  • Field trip to learn-how-to-handle-eartquakes/fire thingie :p
  • Another field trip to Edo Tokyo museum, from the Edo period, interesting (and they spoke English *happy*)
  • Found dead (probably poisonous) snake on road, the next day it was flat, haha.
  • Went to Shibuya, and building 109 (serch on google), but not for long, the people I went with hate shopping... stupid
  • Some time in Harajuku, but didn't have the time to really explore (but found Top Shop, a HUGE one :D)
  • Akihabara, a nerdy place for geeky geeks ^^ we like, I found a new Wii for 40.000 yen, and that is NOTHING! (like 2600 NOK or something). In Japan even the new stuff is on sale, I love it.
  • Field trip :) Painted furin bells, and then went to a huge shopping street, where I bought even more straps for my phone (which is now filled with cute things)

I think that's mostly what I've done til this day, but I've probably forgotten something, ah well... This weekend I'm going to Harajuku and Akihabara again, and on Sunday it's this thingie (I have no real idea of what it is, but it's at a school...). And wednesday in next week I'm visiting Tsubasa Sogo High School to get my unform and some other information. In Desember we're going to Nagasaki for a school trip! Man, this is so exiting :D Love and miss you all back home, hope you're having a good time <3

Sunday, 16 August 2009

You Never Give Me Your Money

Ok, I think I really should blog more, but seriously, it's so much to do, al the time. I mean, I'm in Tokyo for heavens sake, it's just so insanely much to do. Now I'm at a really cute internet cafe/manga store, after a sunday in Akihabara (the geeky part of Tokyo :D). I bought a DS game for less than 2000 yen, it's insane xD. I think I'll buy a new DS as well, it' only 18000 yen (about 1000 NOK). Everything is cheaper her than in Norway, exept travelling, that's insane. In one day, I use about 3000 yen, only to get to school and home again. It's just waaaaay to much. Now, I could write thousands of pages about Tokyo and Japan, but please, if it's anything you would like to know, ask. Just leave a comment and I'll answer in my next post. Thank you <3

Jeg tror jeg gir opp norsk, det er jo nesten umulig uten de tre ekstra bokstavene vi har i Norge, og jeg er drittlei av aa skrive ae, oe, aa xD Men hvis dere virkelig oensker det skal jeg skrive paa norsk ;D Saa vaer saa snill, leave a comment. Glad i dere <3

Tuesday, 11 August 2009

What Goes On

Ok, fine. I've forgotten to tell how it is to be in Japan. Sorry (a). Well, we've had two earthquakes, eaten a lot of strange food and travelled by train to language school each day (it takes two hours). No shopping yet, unfortunately. Tokyo's the coolest city in the world, it's amazing, truly huge and filled with colours and millions of people. I love Tokyo!

Jeg liker Japan ^^ Det er saa sinnsykt kult her! Tokyo er serrioest stort og fargerikt, gleder meg til jeg faar mulighet til aa faktisk dra paa shopping, for oeyeblikket tar skolen saa mye tid. Ogsaa har det vaert to jordskjelv, det siste var ganske stort, men ikke saa ille i det omraadet der jeg, Katarina, Alex(ander) og Joakim bor. Det er litt som massasje, spesielt det siste, for da laa vi egentlig og sov xD Snart skal jeg faa lagt ut noen bilder, men siden jeg bruker skole PC er det litt vanskelig, men dere klarer vel aa vente ;D

Oh, forresten, de har pokemon muffins og wanna be oreo cookies, det er saa kult! Dere skal faa se bilder ;D

Monday, 10 August 2009

She Said She Said

I dunno if I'll manage this. It's so hard, and the Japansese teacher don't speak English and I don't know what she's saying. I'm like the worst in my class and everyone else is understanding the Japanese. And my stomache is really hurting, so I barely eat. Everything is just shit at the moment, to be brutally honest. On the bright side, I really love Tokyo and the people, they're so friendly... We'll see what happens, I don't want to give up, but still...

Jeg sliter. Stoert mer er det vel ikke aa si. Alle er flinke og kunne saa mye fra foer, dette sliter virkelig paa meg. Jeg proever aa si til meg selv at det skal gaa bra, men jeg vet ikke, jeg vet virkelig ikke...

Thursday, 6 August 2009

She's Leaving Home

Two hours from now I'll be leaving Trondheim. Wow. It's really funny to think about, the fact that I won't come home in then months, but still I'm really exited. Like a kid on crack, I'm running around like crazy, always wondering if I've forgotten something and try to remember some Japanese kana. Man, I'm really looking forward to this, my mom is begining to get nervous though, I think she've realized that I'll be gone quite a long time. Ah, well, she'll cope. :)


Om to timer drar jeg til Oslo, faen, det er ikke lenge til. Vedder på at jeg har glemt noe, jeg glemmer ALLTID noe, uansett. Jaja, drit i det, jeg gleder meg bare sykt, løper rundt som en liten unge, bare venter på å få dra. På en måte har tiden gått fort, jeg mener, jeg husker siste skoledag da jeg mente det var så lenge til jeg skulle dra. Og nå sitter jeg her, skal straks pakke ned PC'n min og sette meg på flyet til Oslo. Kathrine fra Explorius ringte også nettopp, ønsket meg god tur, jeg er virkelig fornøyd med at jeg valgte å dra med dem, de har tatt så godt vare på meg, og kommer nok til å fortsette med det. Vel, da stikker jeg til Japan folkens, så da kommer jeg ikke til å blogge på en stund. Kos dere i Norge, jeg er glad i dere <3 :D

Monday, 3 August 2009

With A Little Help From My Friends

Ida is my best friend. She supports me and always makes me laugh. I can tell her everything

I love her so much. I hope you know that Ida :'D <3