Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Hello Goodbye

Today was a good day

Saturday, 27 March 2010

Strawberry Fields Forever

My holiday has started now, spring break! Man, I love to sleep as much as I want... Anyways, today I was in Harajuku to watch Cherry Blossoms for my first time, it was so beautiful, and the best part is that I will go two more times this week.

Thursday, 18 March 2010

Can't Buy Me Love

I was to the hairdresser today. Finally. I needed it. Spent about three hours there, thank god katharina was there to keep me compay! The hairdresser is really cool, and we talked and laughed alot together. He doesn't speek a word English, but Japanese works fine. And he've studied in France, so he kinda knows how to handle European hair. Well, we got coffee and candy, Katharina went to closest konbini and bought some food. In the end it looked like we'd had some kind of party there. Haha.


I found a interesting sign on the toilet...

Sorry bad quality, taken with mobile

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Babys In Black

After five hours of training (for those of you who don't know: I'm goalkeeper for my school's handball team)I just remembered why I don't mind skipping once in a while. My legs are blue. Enough said.

Oh, and my handball team is now only three guys (Kaido, new goalkeeper broke his finger) and still us three girls (Gutcho, Haruka and me). No wonder my trainer is more pissed than normal.

Sunday, 14 March 2010

She Loves You

The last two days've been rather buisy, so not much bloging from me. Don't feel to apologize though.

Yesterday was school. Yes, and it was Saturday! Haha, waking up at 6 on a Saturday is just wrong, don't try it unless you have to. The reason was that the 3. grade had their graduation, and all of us in 2. grade had to come (1. grade was there too, but they didn't watch the cermony). It was so BORING, I fell asleep, not kidding. Anyways. After the cermony, we went up to the 3. floor to say bye-bye to those we knew (in my case some girls from my handball team, a guy from my French class, and a guy whom I've been watching Jackass on youtube with :). Well, during the hour I spent up there, I got at least ten new friends (all guys, haha), and wrote in their graduation books, it was really funny. I LOVE JAPANESE BOYS (just in case you didn't know).

Later that evening, Amanda from Brasil came home to me to sleep over. It was so nice. We talked alot, did our nails and took face mask, presicely what you're supposed to do on a sleep over. Carina, from Norway, was supposed to be there too, but she couldn't. But next time! Wish I could post some photos, but we didn't take anyone, forgive me?

And today I went to watch a football training, and it showed up to be for kids from elementary school. They were cute, and I got a Yokohama FC football shirt! After this, Katharina and I went to Nihombashi to order school uniform, so now I'll finally get my own uniform, so I don't have to borrow from my school anymore, ha :D

That's what I've been doing. Tomorrow is off because of Saturday graduation thingie. And since I don't have any photos I'll just post this random video instead. It's from Japanese childrens television. Enjoy.

Thursday, 11 March 2010

Yer Blues

Today we had rehersal for a singing thingie next week. My class is preforming two songs. Of course in Japanese only. It's bloody difficult, but it's also kinda fun. I can't sing, so I'm mostly mumbling a bit for myself, listening to the others since they're so good. And I'm alto, so no-one really notice my "singing" anyways (they only see me 'cause of my haircolour).
This is one of the songs we're singing (the one I manage to mumble along with)
Name in romaji is Shinjiru:

And this is the other song (that I just can't sing at all)
Name is Ashita he:

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

When I'm 64

Sooo, yesterday I met with some friends in Yokohama. We went home to one of them to make vaffles, yay! It ended up as pancakes though, probably the curse which follows me, I'm just not ment to cook. Luckily it tasted good! I'm kinda proud: I made something eatable :D

After eating, they, ehm, sang some japanese gospel for me. Yes, they're christian, they only christians I know ower here to be honest. Since I'm not christian I was polite and listened, but not with much enthusiasm. Ah well, as long as they're not trying to drag me to church I'm happy. And they are really fun to hang out with :)

Sunday, 7 March 2010


Today was just a really relaxing, rainy, cosy, sleepy day, just the way I like my Sundays. Nene had a swimming contest, and she did great! She was only swimming 25m, but she's seven years old and came in first place, so I'm allowing myself to be impressed by my wonderful hostsis. Besides from that I've spent most of the day in my room (with Eigo), reading, drawing and on the computer.

Photo of Nene (taken with my mobile since my camera couldn't handle the moisture inside the swimming hall):

I'm watching season 5 of LOST, figured they're bout to finish the hole show, and since it's been one of my favourites for some years now I want to catch up before it ends.

Oh, and people, it's NOT dangerous to leave a comment. Just thought you should know :)

Saturday, 6 March 2010

Golden Slumbers

Lovely, lovely week-end! How I adore you!

I'm just tired now after a long week (no handball though), endig with my English "exam" thingie yesterday. It went well I guess, didn't really get the questions, but guessing always work fine, I got at least half right. Sooo, after test, I went shopping (the ideal think would be to say that I went home to study, because my parents read this, but it's to late now). This is what I ended up with:

After shopping I bought luch at New Days (ideal place for cheap food) and went home. It was so nice weather (bout 16 degrees), so I sat down next to my window and ate luch while reading 'The Picture Of Dorian Gray'. Doesn't it sound wonderful? Haha. Well, here is a random photo of my food (drink is something weird that tasted like peach, triangle thingie is onigiri (love), and the cake is baum cuchen):

Today I went to the movies with Victor and Katharina, saw Invictous, loved it, great movie. About Nelson Mandela and rugby (haha, sounds retared, but I promise, amazing! Google it). When I came home I found my hostbrother in my room, using the computer, and here he stayed until just now. He's cool though, so I don't mind (and he gave me chocolate).

Oh, and for my Norwegian people! Check this out, I feel like a celeb (not really):

Thursday, 4 March 2010


So, today was my last REAL schoolday in second grade. Next time I have a normal day at school, I'm 18 and in third grade. Weird. Tomorrow is an English test (which I wont study to, because I'm lazy), and after that it's mostly holiday. I'm looking forward to my new schedule, since I think it will include clothing design and drawing ++ No more tea cermony! Tea cermony is boring and I just can't do it, to much energy to sit still for so long.

Random purikura from the trip to Asakusa, weeee

Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these sunken eyes and learn to see
All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to be free

Blackbird fly

Sunday, 28 February 2010

The Word

On Saturday I was in Asakusa with Katharina, Rei, Akari, Ayaka and Anna (friends from school, Katharina is the other exchange student). We wandered around. Ate too much good food. Took alot of purikura (photos that makes you look like a doll). And just had a very nice time hangig out.


Ayaka and Rei

Anna, Akari, Katharina, Me, Rei and Ayaka. Love.


Sunday was kinda boring. I stayed home since it was raining so heavily. Was also tsunami warning, maybe that's why it's been raining so much? So, I've survived earthquakes, tyfons and a tsunami during my stay here. I feel like wonder woman.

(We don't have to mention the facts that both earthquakes and tyfons are VERY normal here, it's even an own tyfon season. And, ehm, I don't even live by the coast, so I guess I would be wonder woman if I in some freaky way had managed to get myself killed during this "tsunami")
Today is 1 March. School. A very normal day. Except that I have holiday from handball. And I had to read some Japanese loud in class today, try to say this word fast, it's hard(!): Shyosaiyuisyuchohen. Ha.

Friday, 26 February 2010

Twist And Shout

Ok, Phoenix last night. As Perez Hilton (yes, I do read his blog, and I'm not ashamed to admit it) would say: AMAZEBALLS! Wow, this is like, my second concert or something(?) ever. Only other concert I can remember is, uhm, Norwegian Idol Tour 2005. Or something like that. What I clearly remembered is that it sucked :)

So Phoenix was a BIG improvement! We also had a great place to stand since Joakim was working with the light, we got to stand next to him. Best. Place. Ever. No screaming people pushing you, and you could se the stage really clearly.

Phoenix is one of those bands who play music that makes me happy. More than once have they saved me from going suicidal on the train at 7AM in the morning after 5 hours of sleep everyday the last week. And they were so great live! Wow, thank you SO much for taking me there Pia and Joakim. I owe you alot. (Oh, and if you in some wonderful way manage to read this Joakim: you did a great job, two thumbs up!)

Look, Joakim is working:

After giving the croud six extra numbers, why not invite them up on stage?

Thursday, 25 February 2010

Come Together

I was at a Phoenix concert today with Pia and Joakim from Norway, amazing. I'll write about it tomorrow, now I don't have the time. It's late, and I have school tomorrow. Yay for waking up 6. Not.

I have to confess something. On Tuesday, before I met Pia and Joakim, I sinned. I went shopping at Zara AND H&M, I barely know if I can forgive myself. I'm in Japan and I'm shopping in European stores, it shouldn't be legal. Oh well, I'm probably going to hell anyways :)

As I tried to say, I met Pia and Joakim on Tuesday in Shibuya (LOVE that place). They're here because Joakim is working with the light at concerts, and now he's here with Phoenix, think he's going to Australia tomorrow or something. That's one awsome job!

Well, I met them and we went to find a place to eat. My hostmom had told me about one place that was supposed to be really good, but I couldn't find it. So we went to a place I've been before, a place that looks exactly the same as it did 60 years ago, where the menu is in all Japanese, and those who work there only speak Japanese. My Japanese skills got tested the hard way. We did manage to order some food in the end, and I thought it was good. I even took some photos for you guys. You're welcome.

Shibuya, love love

Saturday, 20 February 2010

From Me To You

A long time ago, Ida asked me if I could post some photos of my hostfam's house. And here you go, a bit late, but at least I'm posting them :)

My bedroom

Hostdad's bedroom, and where my hostmom has her English lessons



Entrance door


Eigo's fishes

Eigo and Nene's bedroom


Dining table
