Sunday, 14 March 2010

She Loves You

The last two days've been rather buisy, so not much bloging from me. Don't feel to apologize though.

Yesterday was school. Yes, and it was Saturday! Haha, waking up at 6 on a Saturday is just wrong, don't try it unless you have to. The reason was that the 3. grade had their graduation, and all of us in 2. grade had to come (1. grade was there too, but they didn't watch the cermony). It was so BORING, I fell asleep, not kidding. Anyways. After the cermony, we went up to the 3. floor to say bye-bye to those we knew (in my case some girls from my handball team, a guy from my French class, and a guy whom I've been watching Jackass on youtube with :). Well, during the hour I spent up there, I got at least ten new friends (all guys, haha), and wrote in their graduation books, it was really funny. I LOVE JAPANESE BOYS (just in case you didn't know).

Later that evening, Amanda from Brasil came home to me to sleep over. It was so nice. We talked alot, did our nails and took face mask, presicely what you're supposed to do on a sleep over. Carina, from Norway, was supposed to be there too, but she couldn't. But next time! Wish I could post some photos, but we didn't take anyone, forgive me?

And today I went to watch a football training, and it showed up to be for kids from elementary school. They were cute, and I got a Yokohama FC football shirt! After this, Katharina and I went to Nihombashi to order school uniform, so now I'll finally get my own uniform, so I don't have to borrow from my school anymore, ha :D

That's what I've been doing. Tomorrow is off because of Saturday graduation thingie. And since I don't have any photos I'll just post this random video instead. It's from Japanese childrens television. Enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. Heldige, heldige, japanse unger som får se på sånt hver dag:D

