Saturday 6 March 2010

Golden Slumbers

Lovely, lovely week-end! How I adore you!

I'm just tired now after a long week (no handball though), endig with my English "exam" thingie yesterday. It went well I guess, didn't really get the questions, but guessing always work fine, I got at least half right. Sooo, after test, I went shopping (the ideal think would be to say that I went home to study, because my parents read this, but it's to late now). This is what I ended up with:

After shopping I bought luch at New Days (ideal place for cheap food) and went home. It was so nice weather (bout 16 degrees), so I sat down next to my window and ate luch while reading 'The Picture Of Dorian Gray'. Doesn't it sound wonderful? Haha. Well, here is a random photo of my food (drink is something weird that tasted like peach, triangle thingie is onigiri (love), and the cake is baum cuchen):

Today I went to the movies with Victor and Katharina, saw Invictous, loved it, great movie. About Nelson Mandela and rugby (haha, sounds retared, but I promise, amazing! Google it). When I came home I found my hostbrother in my room, using the computer, and here he stayed until just now. He's cool though, so I don't mind (and he gave me chocolate).

Oh, and for my Norwegian people! Check this out, I feel like a celeb (not really):

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