Sunday 7 March 2010


Today was just a really relaxing, rainy, cosy, sleepy day, just the way I like my Sundays. Nene had a swimming contest, and she did great! She was only swimming 25m, but she's seven years old and came in first place, so I'm allowing myself to be impressed by my wonderful hostsis. Besides from that I've spent most of the day in my room (with Eigo), reading, drawing and on the computer.

Photo of Nene (taken with my mobile since my camera couldn't handle the moisture inside the swimming hall):

I'm watching season 5 of LOST, figured they're bout to finish the hole show, and since it's been one of my favourites for some years now I want to catch up before it ends.

Oh, and people, it's NOT dangerous to leave a comment. Just thought you should know :)


  1. Okei, da legger jeg inn en kommentar da ;) hehe!
    Hvordan går det på håndballen forresten? Spiller dere mye kamper og sånn? Jeg har endelig (!)slutta på håndball da! :D sykt godt!!

    Håper du har det supert! :D

    Klem fra Ida :)

  2. Yey, two comments :D

    Ida: har pause fra handball na, og vi spiller nesten ikke kamper, ivertfall ikke jentelaget xP ser den med a slutte pa handball, husker selv hvor godt det var da jeg slutta i fjord :)

    fatwhoreface: I know, love lost ;D
