Sunday 14 February 2010

Act Naturally

Happy Chinese New Year! Figured it out about five minutes ago when my hostparents suddenly remembered it. My hostdad's from Okinawa (island south in Japan), and they follow and celebrate the Chinese new year. We're now in a Tiger year. Grrr.

Enough about not important stuff (like anything on this blogg's important). Nene's (hostsis) bithday is on Tuesday, she's turing 7, so we celebrated today. Went to a resturant and ate pizza for lunch. I got her a teddybear as present (kalled Rilakkuma, kinda famous over here). While we were waiting for the food, Nene and I had fun with me taking photos of her. And her it is, the result of "Photoshoot with a soon seven year old girl who can't sit still a second". Enjoy.

Hmm, I just watched a advertisement on TV for YKK, a japanese sipper company. Interesting.

Hope cigarettes... Enough said

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